Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mommio: Our Week

It was hard getting back to a "schedule" this last week but we managed somehow, we even fit in a swim at Inks Lake- probably the last of the year. The highlight of the week was the archery class for the four older toes, they loved that! Here's the plan for this week:

Monday- Roanoke Unit Study, music (recorder and rhymes), art (silhouettes), yoga, chemistry with Daddio toe
Tuesday- Nana Day, Connor orthodontist, Connor and Mason Wii night with homeschool friends
Wednesday- morning at Weaver's Bottom (Doctor Dolittle, burd stuff, terrarium), sleepovers for Marney and Gabe, afternoon school, leveling D&D characters
Thursday- San Antonio Zoo with homeschool friends
Friday- school, Roanoke Unit, house chores, movie night
Saturday- yard chores, finish Wright Brothers science, game night
Sunday- letterboxing, Mom and Dad date night



I can't wait for Tuesday. The Mario Kart race will be fun

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