Friday, July 31, 2009

Jack: What I Learned Today

Kiki: My Bunny Pictures

Mommio: What I Learned Today

I learned a new word from Mason's animal research today:

monotreme- a mammal that lays eggs

There are only two monotremes. The duck billed platypus and the spiny anteater.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Max: What I Did Today

I can swim myself on the pool steps. Talk about it Shaws. I saw a baby turtle. I touched it.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Marney: What I Did Yesterday

I went to six flags and rode the log ride. And the water slide. The log ride was awesome and the water slide was awesome.

Connor: The Log Ride

When we went to Six Flags Fiesta Texas I had lots of fun. My favorite ride was the Bugs Bunny's whitewater log ride. It was cool, literally. I was soaked but I enjoyed it. It was a thrill because it had big hills. Here is a picture of us splashing and one after wards.

Avery: Six Flags

Yesterday we went to Six Flags with Nana. We had to drive to San Antonio, so then we had to be in the van for two hours. When we got to Six Flags we got to go on 4 rides and we got to get some cool cups from when we got coke. My favorite ride was the water slide. I had to sit in a tube with mom, Marney and Gabe and we went down this huge water slide. Also when we had lunch at the food court there was some entertainment. I loved going to Six Flags and I hope that we can go there again.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mommio: What I Learned Today

Six Flags is not for us. Even with free tickets. Don't fall for the easy free tickets next year.

Daddio: One is the Lonliest Number

Hi, kids. I would probably think that you're wondering where I am and what I'm doing-- but I don't think you are. You see, today I'm sitting at home working on my computer by myself (well, the dogs are here too, but they don't talk much). Aside from drafting motions, discovery and testimony outlines, it's very, very boring. The only thing that breaks up the monotony of being isolated and working alone is that once every two hours I get to walk over to Nana's house and let her dogs out in the back yard to pee.


And why am I so lonely? Because I'm being the responsible one. Where are you? Six Flags. That's right. While you are at an amusement park riding the rides and having an AWESOME time, I'm at home... alone... because someone has to let the dogs out to pee.

This is how much I love you, so I hope you appreciate it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Avery: What I Learned Today

Today in recorder class I learned how to play in a group, like we always do. Also we got to play Hot Cross Buns number two, Mary Had a Little Lamb, and Sailing on the recorder. Mommio took a video of us doing recorder class. So I decided to post it up on the blog.

Marney: What I Learned Today

I learned how to blend colors.

Marney: What I Did Today

I went to Nana's house. I played outside with Kiki and Gabe and Lucy and Nana and Max and Jack and George and Lucy played with a chew toy.

Mommio: Our Week

Here's a peek at our schedule this week. I will start posting our weekly schedule here so that the toes can all check it when in doubt, and I can look back to see what we have been doing. It's going to be a fun, busy, swimming filled week!

Monday- music and art class (our house, with the Weaver's), lake swimming at our house
Tuesday- Six Flags with Nana
Wednesday- pool swimming at the Shaw's house, D&D at night
Thursday- swimming at Inks Lake, Connor teen library club
Friday- school, family movie night
Saturday- chores, science, family game night
Sunday- lake swimming at our house

Gabe: Rats

Go check out my blog at I made a video of my rats.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Connor: What I Did On Tuesday

On Tuesday I finally defeated Harry Potter and the Order Of The Phoenix. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was a great game and I enjoyed it. Now, I think I will buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the Nintendo DS.

Connor: Algebra

I'm learning how to do algebra and I really enjoy it. The thing I like most is the fact that you are most likely to use it to solve problems in everyday life. The weird thing is that I didn't like math before because it seemed so boring just to do it.

Daddio: Audience is Everything

Well, here we are with the first day of our first family blog. As Momma said, this blog is not just for friends and family to check in and see what we're doing and learning from day to day, but also for us to document ourselves for ourselves to look back on later. I guess it's kind of like a family diary, or a photo album in blog form. So as I sit down to write my first post, I'm trying to figure out who I'm writing this for.

So who's my intended audience? I've decided that I will be addressing all my posts to the Future Toes.

Who are the Future Toes? Well it's Connor, Mason, Ava, Gabe, Marney, Kiki, Max and Jack. It's even for me and Momma too. But it's not for us now. It's for us in three... five... ten... and even twenty years in the future. So enjoy the blog, Future Toes. Hopefully it will be as entertaining to read for you as it is for us to write it here in the past.

As my inaugural post, I leave you with the following photo. I hope that you Future Toes are living in awesome future shoes like the one above.

Mason: What I Learned Today

Today in science with Daddio I learned about evolution. I learned that plain looking animals only have one baby because they can't find lots of females. The attractive animals will have four babies because they can find a lot of females. That is really interesting because the attractive ones die quicker because their predators can see them. We're trying this experiment to see if we can grow plants in salt water. Plants can also adapt to their surroundings. Animals can adapt to their surroundings. I learned lots of stuff today.

Max: Hi

Hi blog!

Kiki: My Shape Picture

This is a picture of me drawing shapes. There's not 100 toes on the picture!

Gabe: What I Did Yesterday

We swam at Robin's house yesterday. We are starting to propagate our Shitake mushrooms. What Tony did yesterday was he boiled mulch and wood chips to kill all the plants and other fungi growing in there. Then he is going to spread it out on a table and then put pieces of our Shitake mushroom patch in there and he is going to put it in a bag and he's going to give one bag to us. Then we are going to try growing it in our house.

Marney: Recorder Practice

Our recorder practice is going good. It is so good that I practice it all the time. Other people are practicing. Robin is teaching us.

Avery: Our New Blog

I am super excited that we have a family blog! I am very happy because Mommio put up my website as one of the links. Also I think that it was very funny that we call it 100 toes. We call it 100 toes because we have 100 toes in our family. Also it is going to be fun getting to read what everyone in my family posts up on the website. I just can't wait to see all of the comments on the website.

Mommio: Our Family Blog

Welcome to the new Jones family blog- 100 Toes! We have decided that we are all going to start documenting what happens around here day-to-day to share our crazy life with friends and family, and as a way for us to look back at what we have been up to. We will talk a lot about our homeschooling experience and plan to keep an ongoing series of posts titled "What I Learned Today". We will also add lots of pictures and video of lessons, experiments, field trips and much more. And of course there will be plenty about what it's like to live in a big family and our ever changing lives. Enjoy!