Sunday, July 26, 2009

Daddio: Audience is Everything

Well, here we are with the first day of our first family blog. As Momma said, this blog is not just for friends and family to check in and see what we're doing and learning from day to day, but also for us to document ourselves for ourselves to look back on later. I guess it's kind of like a family diary, or a photo album in blog form. So as I sit down to write my first post, I'm trying to figure out who I'm writing this for.

So who's my intended audience? I've decided that I will be addressing all my posts to the Future Toes.

Who are the Future Toes? Well it's Connor, Mason, Ava, Gabe, Marney, Kiki, Max and Jack. It's even for me and Momma too. But it's not for us now. It's for us in three... five... ten... and even twenty years in the future. So enjoy the blog, Future Toes. Hopefully it will be as entertaining to read for you as it is for us to write it here in the past.

As my inaugural post, I leave you with the following photo. I hope that you Future Toes are living in awesome future shoes like the one above.


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