Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mommio: Niagara Falls...or better?

Well, due to the high gas prices we had to cancel our planned summer trip to Niagara Falls this year but we took a family vote and decided to buy a new, bigger, better above ground pool with our vacation money.  A vacation that will last all summer (and even into the fall here in Texas).  We finally had a chance to set it up this weekend.  It was a lot of hard work in some extreme heat but with the kids helping we got it all done and they are enjoying the pool as I type.  
Here they are helping to level the ground.
Here is the pool all set out and the kids are putting the support poles in place.
And we got it standing and checked out the inside of the pool...

...and started filling it up!
The kids got a little anxious to get in, so they started swimming long before it was full.
This morning, in the rain, Daddio got the salt water filter running and added lots of salt.

And the kids have been swimming non-stop since then!


Jenifer Harrod

looks fun!

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