Saturday, May 5, 2012

Marney: Things I Really Need To Say

So there was this big thing going on with Nana and we really wanted her to get better.  But now she is out of the hospital.  Because of that we can not see her for a few more days.  So we painted people on the window that we can pretend to be the people.  So that we could talk to her and see her without getting sick.  But now we set up our pool and we are filling it today and tommorw.   We also have been harvesting a bunch this week from our garden.  Anyways there are a bunch of things we are doing and a bunch of things going on this hole month.  Also we are only two weeks away from the beach. I am so happy.

ps-  I hope you get better Nana see you tommorw when I visit you threw the window.


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