Friday, May 4, 2012

Marney: Alice Locked up

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in the middle of the woods.  She had a crush on a handsome prince named price Carptul.  She thought their names would be prefect together, because everyone would be signing songs like Alice and Carptul sitting in the tree, well you know the rest of the song.  So anyways lets get back to telling the story.  She lived far away from everything and was locked in a castle.  The castle was all quiet because no else but her lived there and her little baby cat that would come inside everyday like something was chasing it.  So one Thursday afternoon Alice sat by her window in her bedroom.  She was hoping that prince Carptul would come for her someday, but ever since she was taking away prince Carptul looked everywhere but the castle.  To prince Carptul the castle was like a haunted house and it looked old and weird.  (Car_p_tul  Carptul)  That day Alice saw the cat and it had a note taped to its fur.  Alice tryed to take it off but nothing would work.  So she tryed to just pull it off again and it came off.  Alice tred to read it but it was cursive so she could not read it because she was never taught how to do anything.  She looked at a picture of cursive and she started to read it.  Alice said it aloud to her slef so the cat could hear it.  This is what it said.

                             To Alice
I love you Alice it hard to say it to your face but on a letter
is much more easier because when i say it to your face i can not
because your so beautiful .  
You were always there for me and you never 
let me down but i can not find you anywhere.  But i hope you understand i 
am still looking for you and still holding on hope for you.

                                                     From your true love
                           Prince  Carptul

Alice was so happy she cried all day hoping that the day prince Carptul comes and saves her he will kiss her on the  lips.       

To be continued  


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