Sunday, May 13, 2012

Marney: Alice Choked to death

After Alice saw the letter she ran off crying.  Then she saw the cat That came running in though the metal door.  She was scaring the cat away because when she cried her faced became ugly and terrifying.  Then she went to play a game on the dictionary.  Her game was call "Find the Word".  Her word was evil Because she wanted to become evil.  She looked though the whole thing and did not see the word Evil.  Then she found out that there was someone outside of the castle and she looked though the window in her castle.  When she saw the guy he looked like a bodyguard.  She told the bodyguard to come to the window and the bodyguard did.  She took the bodyguards hair and pulled it up and said "What are you doing on my land"! The bodyguard said "Listen I was told to come here and hurt you. But I really do not want to hurt you. you know that I do not want to hurt you right"?  Alice said  "climb though the window I need to talk to you".  Then the body guard climb though the window and Alice thought that the body guard was nice but the second he got in the castle he started punching Alice.  Then Alice got out a knife and yelled to him "You do not want me to do this to you do you"?  The bodyguard said "I do not care but please be nice when you do that".  Then she stabbed the knife though the bodyguards heart and another one though his head. For the three weeks after that she had a dead body on her living room floor.


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