Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marney: SPI Day 9

Yesterday at 6 me, Gabe and Ava went on a walk and it was at sunrise.
We walked about 3 miles to a gaint building and back, it took us
three hours.
There were 5 sea slugs that were super gross.
Half way there Gabe found a phone in the water.
We finally got there and had to walk back, which was tiring.
On our walk back we found a portuguese man o' war and I bravely scooped it up in to a bucket to take home and investigate.

And we used a spoon and messed with the jelly fish and 
we named it No Name.  We learned that it is made up of all different animals and is not just one animal.  We also learned that if you get stung by it and got to the doctor you can't call it a jellyfish because they will give you a wrong treatment, you have to call it a portuguese man o' war.

Then we went to the ocean to have fun, played in the sand
and jumped waves.



What'd you do with the phone? Maybe there is a reward for it!

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