Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kiki: SPI Day 7

We made my cupcakes this morning.  It was a lot of fun and here are some pictures of us making them.  They are called Unicorn Poop Cupcakes.

Today we went down to the beach and there were big waves but we still went swimming.  We made a big birthday cake sand castle for my birthday.  Avery, Marney and I were having a contest to see who could get the most points when we were boogie boarding.  Max and Jack were building stuff in the sand.  Max buried his feet four times today!

We had my birthday party.  We were down at the beach while Ava and Marney were up at the house setting up my birthday party.  They set up everything so that when we came up it was time for my birthday party.  We had cupcakes that were Unicorn Poop Cupcakes and they were just rainbow icing on top of a cupcake.  We had ice cream and I opened presents.  Some of my presents were: a pillow pet, some dresses, a purse and some shoes.  I had a great birthday!



Happy birthday Kiki! It sucks that I can't be there for the party- but it looks like it was completely and totally awesome. I love you so much, girl.

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