Friday, August 9, 2013

Marney: Paper Mache Project

We started school up this week and there is this thing we do now where you can make something, research something or learn something by yourself. We are calling it projects and we got a whole book to write ideas. I have a few ideas, one of them is make a sculpture of a swimming pool out of paper mache. I have covered one whole area of the box I am using and I will paint it blue and have lane ropes and people in the pool. I might even makes life guards on the side of the pool. I am using a cardboard box, newspaper, flour and water. It is really sticky and I get it all up and down my arms when I work on the paper mache.  I like making projects and that is why I am happy with this idea.  Here is what it looks like so far.



I looked at your project on your kitchen table and you are very good at paper mache...nice texture.

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