Friday, August 9, 2013

Kiki: Project Ideas

We are making projects for school.  I am really excited about my projects, they will be fun.  These are my projects so far:  I want to learn how to make finger print art, I am going to research about famous artists and I want to plant a flower bed.  For the flower bed I want to plant daisies, morning glories and marigolds.  For the finger print art I want to make a self portrait and I want to look at famous finger print art.  For researching famous artists I want to research different types of artists every time. Today I researched an artist named Wassily Kandisky.  He is from Russia.  Here is one of his paintings that I really like.  I like it because it is abstract and colorful.  He made it in 1911, that is 102 years ago!



I like that too. Can't wait to see your work. Sounds like you have some really good plans.

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