Friday, August 16, 2013

Connor: Projects I'm Working On.

As I haven't yet posted my planned projects allow me to get you caught up.  I am studying mythology, specifically I am studying Shinto mythology.  It's quite interesting, for instance unlike many religions of the time, and all the modern religions, Shinto states that gods can die and are created in the same way as human beings.  They focus most of their tales on animals and human kind's interactions with them.  Two of the three main gods are Amaterasu, goddess of the sun and reigning god.  Susano, god of the sea whom had tried to take his sister's place as the reigning god.
  I also started watching a documentary about the gruesome French Revolution.  Which covered the early lives of the people involved right up to their deaths by guillotine.  The leader of the revolution was a man named Maximilien de Robespierre, who had at first opposed the use of the guillotine.  However he agreed that it should be used to behead King Louis XVI.
  Another thing I am working on is figuring out how to make a video game.  So far this is going quite well, even though I have not actually started on making the game, the research is quite important.



You have always been looking at the Gods...I have learned so much from reading your blogs. Love it...keep up the good work.

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