Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Visits the Limons

We went to the Limon's Christmas party this year and it was excellent!  It was great seeing Samantha, Trey and Nicholas again.

As you can see, Trey is great at making balloon animals and hats.  The kids loved them.  Thanks, Trey!

We ate some awesome hot dogs and skewered meat that Pete grilled (Thanks, Pete!) and then guess who came to visit?  Santa!

Santa answered all the kids questions.  Here's Max asking Santa what kind of treats he likes for people to leave out for him on Christmas Eve.  Santa said, "Prime rib."  Good choice, Santa!

Trey didn't seem so sure of Santa's answer:

Santa let kids sit on his lap and tell them what they wanted for Christmas.  Jack was a little scared at first, but reluctantly agreed.  He looks like he's in pain:

Max gave Santa a picture he printed off the computer of when Santa visited the kids at the Limon's Christmas party five years ago.  Max drew himself into the picture.  Santa thought it was great!

Here's all the kids posing with Santa:

 We had such a fun time.  Thanks so much to Deanna and Pete for putting on an awesome Christmas party.  We already can't wait to go again next year!



you are sooo welcome!
And thanks for the set up help.
Did you like my mini cupcake maker??
Maybe santa will bring you one!

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