Friday, December 9, 2011

Mommio: Art Class- Impressionists- Rodin

Today we had an extra long, really fun art class!  We continued our hand study, inspired by the work of Rodin, and made clay hand sculptures that will become candle holders.  We found the lesson for today's project from an artist on the eHow website.  We moved the school tables in front of the TV so we could all watch the short lesson segments as we worked through the project.  First we learned how to cut our slabs of clay for the hand sculpture.

 Then the kids used a needle tool to outline each of their hands onto their slabs of clay.

 Using the needle tool and a butter knife they cut away the excess, leaving two rough hand-shaped pieces of clay.

 Next they formed each hand into a more realistic shape by rounding, smoothing, adding knuckles and fingernails.

 The last step for today was to set up the hands to create the candle holder shape- the fingers are intertwined, creating a bowl in the palms.  When they got everything into the right position they again went back and worked on making the fingers look more realistic.

With a little one-on-one help, Max even made one!

Here are the sculptures- we were all impressed!  

 They need to dry for several days and then we will learn all about casting a sculpture in bronze and we'll be spray painting the hand sculptures to finish them off.



That is a cool project!!

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