Thursday, December 1, 2011

Phineas and Ferb: Mt. Rushmore

 In the next episode of Phineas and Ferb, Candace Loses Her Head, the family travels to Mt. Rushmore and the boys decide to do something nice for their big sister Candace's 15th birthday...
put her own face on the mountain!
Obviously we won't be traveling to Mt. Rushmore this week...OR carving any of our faces into the side of a mountain.  But, we will be putting our own faces on Mt. Rushmore through the magic of photo editing.  Today we used Printmaster to do this, it is a very easy program to use and a good introduction to playing around with photos, in fact a few of the kids are already very good with this so they will be helping to teach today too.  Later on we are all hoping to learn how to use some more complex photo editing programs.
Here are the steps the kids had to follow.  I walked them through the process one time and then left
 them to do it on their own.
1. Take a headshot photo of each other and load them all onto the computer desktop.
2. Find a good picture of Mt. Rushmore online and save it to the desktop.
3. Open Printmaster and create a new page.
4. Import the Mt. Rushmore photo and make it a full page.
5.  Import your own headshot.
6.  Crop your photo and edit the color, shape, size etc. until you are happy with how it looks.
7. Place your head on the mountain.
8. Save your picture as a jpeg on the desktop.
9. Put your picture onto this blog post.
Here they are on Mt. Rushmore!



Nice! i remeber this!

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