Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mommio: Civil War Journals

The date is July 22nd, 1861.  Your soldier is one of the very lucky survivors of the first major battle of the American Civil War.  The Battle of Bull Run (also known as Manassas) ended yesterday in Manassas Junction, Virginia with a bloody Union defeat.   There were thousands of casualties on both sides and the Confederates came away from the battle with a war hero, General Thomas Jackson- from now on known as Stonewall Jackson.  This is the first experience your soldier has had in the battlefield and he has a lot to say about it.  Today you will write a journal entry from one of your soldiers detailing their experience at Bull Run.  If you need help remembering the details of the battle read this webpage.  Use all of your senses to describe what it felt like for your soldier to be in the midst of a bloody battle-lots of details!


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