Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Connor: Weekly blog 1

        I was a robot designed on the planet Arthropodia.  The aliens that invented me were quite skilled in their synthetic reproduction of humanoid lifeforms.  I was called MANDY, Mechanic Automaton Nefariously Designed Yak.  Yak in the language of Arthropodians means Earthling, despite the fact that yaks on earth are fur covered cow like organisms.  I was sent to earth with one goal in mind, the complete annihilation of the planet and its inhabitants.  I was designed to look cute and lull the earthlings into a false sense of security.
         The mission started wonderfully.  I was dropped off in America where I hid in an orphanage two years prior to the deadline.  My adopted family took me in soon afterward and that is when things went awry.  The earthlings attempted to teach me about their planet and culture, but I gathered all that from the secret military computer orbiting the planet.  I found friends at a building the humans called a school, much to my master's delight.  I was sent down on the twenty first of December 2010 and my deadline for destroying the planet was the same day exactly two years later.  Despite posing as a five year old I got to college in a single year.
         Suddenly my database discovered a strange emotion.  A computerized being is not supposed to feel emotion.  The emotion I felt was love for the family that adopted me and for the planet as a whole.  My database was corrupted by the emotion and as such I couldn't finish the mission on time.  My emotion was paralyzing me and caused teardrops to get into my circuitry.  It caused me to become a deranged robot.  As a deranged robot I first destroyed my adopted family and the neighborhood they raised me in.
              The Arthropodian government was furious about the destruction of another planet taking too long.  However, when they saw me destroying the Earth's countries they became delighted.  Their insectoid faces lit up with glee and the wings on their backs were spread.  I did as they desired I was at the beck and call of my masters once more.  They had me do this to several planets, including Arachnidonia.  My appearance never changed, and my wanton destruction quota was always filled.
      I was put on trial by the galactic high council, ruled by the Simianites.  They charged me with crimes against the galaxy.  I would be lying to say I'm not guilty, but they deserved it for stepping on our ambassadors.  I was programed to lie about my nefarious deeds and that of my masters, and so I did.  All I said is "It is against galactic law #54367-2 to put a robot on trial for the deeds of its creators.  Thus you must charge my master for the crimes I have committed."  With that the court sentenced me to deactivation and I was no longer a threat, or so they thought...............


The Jones Family

Nana says:
Good story but it is scary too...loved it.

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