Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Avery: Show and Tell

For my Christmas gift exchange present this year Kiki got me the game: Zumba Fitness for the Xbox 360 Kinect. She chose to give me a present and 5 minutes later she knew exactly what to get for me! I love the game so much! At first I thought I would be a master at it and show off some, so I didn't take the tutorials. But when I started playing I had to quit less than 5 minutes in because I had no idea how to do the choreography. But then I took the first few tutorials and I'm getting better at it. I haven't finished all the tutorials yet though. They. Are. Hard. I get super exhausted just after 3 tutorials. I don't have any photos of it right now, sorry.
Thank you, Kiki, so much for getting me Zumba Fitness!


The Jones Family

really, really

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