Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Avery: Weekly Blog Post

Realistic predictions!
1- They finally finish and start selling the invisible cloaks.

2- Taylor Swift dates 10 more people (one being Justin Beiber, I can see that happening).

3- Josh Hutcherson becomes a more famous actor, meaning he's in more movies (score one for Ava!).

4- Marney finally confesses her love for someone!

5- Kalli and I have the best Summer ever and get a lot of stuff off our bucket lists.

Funny predictions!
6- I get the pet unicorn I've been waiting for.

7- Dad wins the lottery.

8- Kiki gets a gun license (she's tired of keeping a hammer under her pillow).

9- Adele and Taylor swift start dating, break up, and then have a GIANT explosion of angry songs!

10- They have a real Hunger Games


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