Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Avery: Weekly Blog

My First Words
By Avery Jones

       One warm, sunny morning I woke up in my bed.  Now, this isn't just a normal bed... it's a crib. Why? Because I'm only 1 year old. I might seem to be a cute and funny little baby girl to all the adults that lay eyes on me. But they have no idea what I had been creating.  I was working on a time travel device that could take me into the future so I could see what my first words would be.  I didn't want them to be some stupid words like "Dada" or "Mommy". Those are everyone's first words. I wanted to show them how smart I was.  I wanted to tell them about how I may seem to enjoy the so called "airplane" that flies into my mouth every time I'm trying to eat my breakfast or lunch. But no. I hate that. Always have, always will. I almost choked on it once. I thought I was going to die because of those fools!
       Back on topic. I was too impatient for Mom to wake up so I screamed into the radio thing she put by my bed.  It took the noise I made and sent it into the other radio thing she put in her room.  It only took seconds for her to get to the room.  She took me out of bed and placed me on the floor with a few toys.  I grabbed Charles (my toy elephant) and pulled on his left leg. It opened up the left wall for 10 seconds; Just enough time for me to run inside. The wall closed and I turned on the lights.  And I laid my eyes on my creation.  It was almost done. I only needed to fix a few things here and there. I pulled out my tools and got to work. It took me 5 minutes to finish up and run back out into my room.  Mama came into my room every now and then to make sure I was okay. 
       I picked up Charles and played with him a little and then threw a few blocks across the room and watched them knock things over.  It was so funny. Every time I threw it something fell onto the floor and it was like an explosion! Coolest. Thing. Ever.  Once Mommy left the room I pulled on Charles' leg and ran into the room.  I put on a special dress that I made in case anything went wrong. I couldn't get sick or hurt or else Mama and Daddy would get worried and take me to the kid repair place where they take kids that are sick or hurt. I hate that place. I stepped into the time machine and went forward in time.  I didn't know how far in time I had to go so I decided two weeks. As I pressed the button I slipped on my dress (it was too long) and it took me forward two years instead!
       I slowly opened the time machine and stepped out. I was in my room and it looked almost exactly the same. Except my crib was gone and I had different toys. I couldn't see myself anywhere, which was a good thing. I looked for Charles. But there were too many toys and I forgot the bring the Charles from my time with me. I was stuck in time. If I was gone too long Mama would get worried and I'd be in trouble. This was not good at all. I jumped into a bin of toys that was just fun to look at. I dug through it looking for Charles. I found him and pulled on all of his legs. But none worked. Suddenly I heard someone walk into the room. I stayed as still as possible. I heard the voice speak.
      "Kimmy! Kimmy! Where are you Kimmy?! Kimmy?!"
      I was trying to figure out who Kimmy was.  I saw a kid that looked like myself as they came closer to the bin I was hiding in. I slowly went deeper into the toys. The child was wearing a dress of pinks and yellows. She had long hair pulled back into pigtails, and dark brown eyes. It was me! It was me when I was 3 years old! I was a little on the chubby side though. Made me upset to see that. I didn't imagine myself to be  anything like a "Megan Fox", but I thought I would at least be a little bit model looking. I was very wrong. I saw my older self reach into the bin and pick up Charles.
       "Kimmy! There you are! I was looking all over for you! You don't wanna be late for the princess tea party now, do you?"
       I named Charles Kimmy? How could I do that? He's not even a girl! I can't believe I called him Kimmy.... ew. Just gross.  The kid ran off and I jumped out of the bin and looked around. There was a big kid bed where my crib was supposed to be and my mobile was gone. I got on the bed and began to jump up and down. It was like I was floating. I would go down and then up just in one swift movement. It was an amazing experience. As I jumped I got more into it and got higher and higher into the sky. I knew that if I jumped high enough I could touch the sun. I suddenly slipped on my dress again and fell onto the floor. It hurt a lot. It was like when I got bit by an ant at the park. That hurt really badly. I tried my best not to cry and ended up quietly whimpering on the floor. My older self walked in on me on the ground. I freaked out and tried to get under the bed but I was not fast enough. My older self grabbed me by the leg and looked at me in the eyes.
       "I don't have long. I've been waiting for you to get here. I can't answer any questions right now. Get under that bed before Mother comes up here! She's looking for me."
       My future self shoved me under the big kid bed where I wasn't visible to tall adults like Mom and Dada. I heard Mom's voice coming from the hall outside the room calling for future me.
       "The bear with the tie", is all Future me said to me and then ran off.
       I stayed under the bed thinking about which bear it would be. There were bears of all sorts and many of them had bow ties on them. There was only one with out the bow tie, but had a gummy worm stuck in it's hair.  It took me a little while, but then I remembered that Auntie June called gummy worms ties. I looked around to make sure I was clear to move and then got out from under the bed. I ran out and grabbed the bear and started pulling all it's limbs. None of them worked. Then I threw it on the ground in frustration and it made the wall open up and there was my time machine! I ran inside and made sure my dress was on all the way and then stepped into the time machine. I pressed the button labeled "Current Time". It took me back and I ran inside of my room. My mom walked in right after the wall closed up and she picked me up. She swung me around trying to be playful. It made me as dizzy as can be.  She then took me downstairs into the kitchen and put me in my little kid chair. I was waiting for my lunch that I eat but instead I got a bowl of these cookies looking things. I was not happy. Not at all. I looked up and looked at Mom and My first words that I said aloud... "No."


The Jones Family

Nana says: Funny story... loved it.

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