Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mommio: Homeschool Field Day!

Yesterday one of the larger homeschool groups in the Austin area held their first field day, we went and it was awesome!  There were over 100 kids there and they split them into age groups then let the races begin.  They had all the typical field day races and some fun extras like a giant Red-Light, Green-Light game for everyone and Capture The Flag for the teen group.  
Here the kids are getting ready for the games and showing off their new t-shirts.
Max was a little nervous in his first race, the potato sack race, but he was happy as could be after he won first place in the race!

Then it was on to the egg-on-a-spoon race. He had practiced this one at home so he was ready!
While Max was busy the other kids were all in their own age groups having fun too.  Here is Avery and Gabe's group working at tug-o-war.  Gabe was thrilled to be the anchor- and with kids on both teams they both won ribbons!
Over to the teen races and Mason getting ready for the Blind Man's Bluff game- 
he came in second in this one!
Next I checked in with the younger girls who were kicking butt in the three-legged race, I guess it helps that the sisters had practiced at home together all week!

Back over to the 10-12 yr. old fields, where I ran in to a very happy Gabe and a crab walking Avery- this was her race for sure!

And to Mason again- this time he was doing the wheelbarrow race, I really don't think this one is meant for big people.  He was having a blast though!

And back to the little girls (yes, I did a lot of running around to catch their races but the fields were nice and close to each other and it was very worth it)- and they were busy with tug-o-war and the crab race.

The little guys were pretty hot and tired three hours into it, luckily they won some bubbles in the bean bag toss game and took a nice, shady break blowing bubbles.
And Avery took a break from her races to compete in the hula hoop contest- she was determined, but way too tired to go her usual hour long...I think she made it to 10 minutes though.
To finish off the day they held a giant Red-Light, Green-Light game and Kiki came in 3rd place out of 
75 kids- this one was really fun to watch.  What a wonderful day, we can't wait to go back next year!


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