Monday, March 19, 2012

Mommio: Fairy Tale Journey Week 1

For the next six weeks you will slowly be going on your own Fairy Tale Journey by responding to a story and questions on the blog.  It's sort of like a create-your-own adventure experience and you are choosing the path to take by answering the questions at the end.  Have fun, be creative and use lots of details!

In The Beginning

You stand at the entrance to the Forest of Fabled Creatures.  Before you stands a woman who looks older than time itself.  Her skin falls in pale wrinkles around her face, and her hair cascades in white ringlets down to the ground at her feet.  When she speaks it is as if the wind itself has a voice.  Her eyes are deep pools of blue.  In them you can see that she is a very wise and gentle woman.  She gives you a package containing three magical items to help you in your quest for the Treasure of Wonder.  You take the package and find in your hands a magic spoon, a magic cloak, and a magic flute.  You look up to thank the woman, but she has vanished.  You are now ready to begin your quest.

Answer the following:
1. Briefly describe your feelings for the wise woman.  Does she remind you of anyone you know?  Do you find her pleasant or scary?  Do you think she is really an old woman, or is she some other creature or being in disguise?
2. Describe what each magical item looks like.  How big is each item? What color is each item?  How does each item feel when you touch it?  How will you carry each item?
3. Assign one magical property to each item.  You get to decide how each item is magical and what it can do for you.  Be careful- whatever property you assign to each item must remain for your entire journey!  Good Luck!

* This Fairy Tale Journey can be found in The Beanstalk and Beyond by Joan M. Wolf.


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