Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kiki: Fairy Tale Journey Week 1

1.  I think she is nice but she can do weird things, like she can eat a banana with her head backwards.  I am scared of her because she is creepy.

2. magic spoon- It is purple with green glitter, it is two feet big and it weighs half a pound. I will carry it in my mouth.
magic cloak- It is three feet long, it has big fake antennae on it, it is made out of silk and it is orange, yellow, red, pink, purple and green.  I am going to carry it on my back.
magic flute- It is eight feet big, and twenty five pounds.  It is aqua with purple and pink glitter.  I will carry it with my hand.

3.  magic spoon- It shoots lasers and it makes you fly.
magic cloak- It can make you super fast and make you zoom in on things.
magic flute- It can make you hypnotize anyone you want.  It can also make you shoot fire out of your hands.


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