Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

The French Vampire's Convention
By Connor M. Jones
                       With the comic con in town the streets of Austin were in chaos.  Doctors, daleks, Batmen, and Spidermen roamed the streets.  I was the only one not dressed as a fictional being.  My red eyes and elongated canines shone splendidly.  I was a vampire, I came to the country in life as a man named Rene Robert Cavelier.  I was French, but over the centuries I learned to speak fluent English, however I still had a French accent.  I watched as new people entered my city and ran rampant.  I had taken up living or un-living in the Austin museum of art.
       One night I flew from my hideout to the area of the comic con.  There I saw two women dressed as Thor and Loki respectively, from Marvel comics.  I swooped in from the ceiling and bit one of them, draining little blood, but gaining enough to keep me in this undead state.  Once my vampiric Thor awoke she was attacked by the con's security.  In this day and age everyone thinks that sunlight is a sure fire way to kill our kind, so the guards tied her up outside and waited for the sun to come up.  In the morning I traveled about among the nerds and geeks.  I stood next to yet another Thor and, on the opposite side, a Doctor/ time lord.  Neither of my two walking companions knew what or who I was.  Once I found a dark secluded area I hid, waiting for my chance at more blood or another minion.
         I had gotten lucky as my Thor minion had returned from her brush with the guards.  We exchanged a few words of French and separated.  I went left and she went right, unfortunately I ran into a group of Live Action Roleplayers.  Apparently they were playing a game called Vampire: The Masquerade and were unaware that I was a true vampire.  I quickly ran and then flew away from the mortals, one of whom kept trying to hand me pizza.  Soon I was away and could plot the end of all life in this convention.  I lifted from my pocket a vial with two words: Red Death.  I soon had on a crimson mask as well and was walking about the con giving little breaths of the disease to all I passed.
         My victims coughed up the precious liquid from their lungs.  A perfect way to get something to drink.  Soon I had infected the half the con and anyone who didn't get it was turned into a vampire.  My kind and I thrived and we would have kept thriving.  Unfortunately the humans got smart and hired expert vampire hunters after the red death had passed.  My Thor minion was the first to feel a stake, followed by the woman in the Loki costume.  I was the last to meet a gruesome end, the mortals seized me and tied me to a pyre.  As the sun came up they lit the wood on fire and backed away as the building I used for cover crumbled and decapitated me.  I died for the last time of fire and decapitation, a terrible way for a blood sucking monster like me to go.  However I swore my revenge, no matter how pointless a gesture it was.


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