Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Avery Jones: Weekly Blog

One day I decided to go to Comic Con. I was dressed as my favorite super hero, Batman. I had the whole outfit (cape, tights, mask, etc.).  As I walked around I kept seeing these girls. They were dressed as Thor and Loki. They had amazing costumes and they looked amazing in the costumes. But there was this weird thing about them. They loved to pose for pictures. But not like pretty poses. They were just..... how do I explain this? They were..... awkward. Whenever someone wanted a picture of or with them they would stand there slouched over and have no expression on their faces. I thought it was strange so I asked why they did that.
       "It's the cool thing that's going around", they would say, "It's like fetch. These are the cool things going around lately."
       "But, no offence or anything, you guys just look a little bit awkward when you pose like that for the camera. Not a bit, really, you look very awkward in your pictures."
       "No we don't! We look fabulous! We practiced our poses for 3 hours straight! We know what we are doing and we know we look pretty darn good."
       They were very confident in their "posing", so I stopped and let them be. I watched them the rest of the day. Not to sound like a stalker or anything. I just wanted to see if they came up with anything new for their photos. Every now and then they would smile or put their hand on their hip, but that was about it. 
       But as I watched them I began to understand why they posed like this. When you think about it for a while and watch them for 2 hours straight then you understand the beauty of their poses. It was amazing. It was like the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.
       I thought to myself, gosh, only if I could pose like that.
       I tried a few times to get the poses down . But nothing worked. Was I doing something wrong? After a bit of practice the girls noticed and came up to me. They showed me the correct way to position my back and how to get the right expression on my face. After 4 hours of help and hard practice I had it down. And I, Jeff Colman, then became a famous male model from that day on.


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