Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Mason!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Avery: Show and Tell

       For my show and tell today I want to talk to you about my love for Christmas!
       Christmas for me isn't just about receiving presents from loved ones and friends (don't get me wrong, I do enjoy that like every other kid).  But for me Christmas means spending time with my family, decorating to the extreme, and food...... lots and lots of food.  One of my favorite feelings I get on Christmas (and I'm not just saying this so you think I'm nice) is the feeling I get when I see how happy someone is when they receive a gift, from anyone really.  I love to see people's Christmas spirit in their faces, it gets me really excited about Christmas and how close it it.
       My all time favorite thing about Christmas would have to be decorating the tree.  It's not on Christmas, but it's close enough.  I enjoy putting up the ornaments and candy canes on the tree.  We always start with the little ornaments and then we put up the breakable ones, then the last part is putting on the candy canes.  It's funny when the kids are putting up candy canes, because they all hide them in the middle of the tree.  All of them.  They aren't really hidden is what they need to learn.  The trick is to put them way up high near the top of the tree if you're trying to hide them.  My favorite ornament is one of the breakable ones. It is a little cookie monster dressed up for winter and he's eating cookies out of a cookie jar.
       This year we are going caroling for the first time.  We have a lot of people from our homeschool group to come with us caroling around my neighborhood.  I plan on dress up, I haven't told Mom about it yet though, but I'm pretty sure she knows now!  I plan on dressing up as much as I can like an elf.  I already have the short part down, now I need to work on the outfit.  After caroling we are going to give the person that answered the door a candy cane with our homeschool group name on it.  I have never been caroling before, so I'm super excited about it.  I've always wanted to go.
       Now onto our giant feast! No joke, we make enough food to feed like five families.  We always cook a lot.  This year we are having turkey for Christmas like we always do.  I have some other ideas for food that we could make.  This year I am helping Nana make Christmas dinner (it's on my bucket list).  I have to talk over it with Nana, but I found a lot of ideas for how to set up the table and how to decorate it.  I want to tell you about it, but I want to leave it a surprise.
       That's all I have to say for now about me and my love for Christmas. Hope you enjoyed reading!

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Dragon's Attack by Max

The people went to the Mayor's office to see him.  But the dragon attacked the Mayor's office.  The End

Sunday, December 16, 2012

12/17/12- Show and Tell

Share something new with us!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Connor: Death Comes On Swift Wings


Death Comes on Swift Wings
By Connor M. Jones

                     My name was Tutankhamun, Tut for short.  I was pharaoh of Egypt, a king in title and behavior.  I stood for a single moment in a pool of blood.  Upon further inspection I found it to be my own blood, my body now a husk.  I shouldn't have been capable of movement, but I was.  I wasn't among the living and I wasn't in the afterlife.
       I had lived like a king should.  I had many treasures, none quite as valuable to me as my soul.  When I was rid of that I became what I now am.  I am a member of a group called the undead.  I first knew this when I found fangs in place of canines and bandages all over my body.  Then I resolved to find the man who slaughtered me.
        As a man of power, I had many people who wanted to overthrow me.  The most prominent of these was my uncle and most trusted adviser, Ay.  Ay had become the pharaoh after my death, seeing as I had no living royal family left.  He was the most likely suspect, and I knew that I could get the truth out of him.  I traveled to meet my uncle at his throne.
         When I reached the throne Ay was there alone.  I silently moved over to him and grabbed him by the throat.  "Did you kill me?" I asked him in a deep voice.  I lifted him higher and higher as he refused to answer.  Suddenly he gave a simple shake of the head and I lowered him to the ground.  "Tell me who killed me or you will die!"  I said picking him up again with super strength.
            "H-Horemheb," He said with fear in his eyes "Horemheb did it."  I stared at him and said "Not that I don't trust you, but you are on my throne.  If I find out you lied, Ay, I will kill you personally!"  With that I left him cowering on the throne.  I went to search for Horemheb and discover the truth.  Along the way I found Ay's grand vizier.
                  The vizier looked weak and Ay had several of them.  I grabbed the vizier and pulled him into a place in the shadow of the pyramids.  I then proceeded to bite into his neck and drain him of his blood.  It was broad daylight out and yet I was still powerful, only slightly less so.  I then found Horemheb in front of an alter to Ra.  By this point I had a sword at his throat.  "You taught me to fight, told me to never let my guard down.  Now I'm going to ask a simple question and you will give a yes or no answer.  Did you kill me?!"
           Horemheb looked quite afraid to see me.  I moved the blade closer to his throat and asked for him to answer.  Finally he told me that it wasn't him.  I then asked if it was Ay and he told me yes.  I then went into the throne room, by flight.  There I found Ay holding a scimitar, which he then tried to thrust into my heart.  "You filthy, lying jackal of a vizier!  You actually thought I wouldn't find out!  Death comes on swift wings to those who betray me!"  With that I sliced him in half and returned to my tomb, where I then wrote the words "Death comes on swift wings to those who awaken the pharaoh."

Monday, December 10, 2012

12/10/12 Weekly Blog Post

This last week, the Joan's Academy kids worked really hard on projects for school.  For today's blog post, I want you to post up about your project, explain as much as you can about it, and post a picture for everyone to see!  I'm so proud of you guys!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Movie by Max

The people went to the movies.  They thought they saw it in 3D.  But it was not actually in 3D.  It was in real life.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog

       My favorite meal is spaghetti tacos! It is one of the best things I have ever tasted.  It is made of so many different vegetables, some ground meat, and spaghetti sauce.  I'm not sure how to explain what it smells like.  But when I walk in the house and smell it, I know for sure what it is.  When holding a spaghetti taco, all you feel is the hard taco shell that everything is in. It is hard and a little bit soft in a way.  When you take a bite of a spaghetti taco you can taste mushrooms and the sauce right away.  The meat you don't taste very much, but you can sometimes.  You can't taste the noodles at all, but that's fine for me.  Noodles don't have a lot of flavor at all.  I love spaghetti tacos a lot, they are my number one favorite meal for right now.

Part Two of the People by Max

The People pulled the octopus up the cliff because it was scaring everybody.  So they took it out of the water.  Then they swam to the beach.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The People by Max

The people went in a lake.  They found a man eating octopus.

12/3/12 Weekly Blog Post

Today's blog post is going to be about description and detail.  For today's post, I want you to think about your favorite meal. Then in the post, I want you to describe the meal and every detail you can think about eating it.  Don't describe how it was made-- I want you to discuss what you felt, tasted, smelled, heard and saw as you ate it. Your post can be only one paragraph, but it needs to have at least seven detailed, descriptive sentences about the meal.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog

Christmas In Paris, From 13th Century to 21st.

      In France Christmas is celebrated.  It may start on the 6th and go until the 25th, or it might only be on the 25th.  It really depends on the region of France.  During the month of December feasts are had, some in honor of Saint Nicolas.  Another feast is down in honor of the kings.  The holiday season is used for giving gifts to friends, family, and the poor.  The French also have a man who gives treats to good children and spanks children that misbehave.
        Speaking of Modern things done in France, the city of Paris has a festival of lights every year.  As for holidays long un-celebrated, the French had the Feast of Fools.  The Feast of Fools was a day, usually New Years, when they would make fun of the government without prosecution.  While this came very close to freedom of speech, the holiday was partially outlawed in the 13th century.  It was entirely outlawed in the 15th century though.  The celebration had to do with electing false officials for the day.  These "officials" were elected as a joke, for they had to look ugly.  The ugliest or goofiest person would either be given the role of Pope of the fools or King of fools.  A piece of literature that makes mention of this holiday of discrimination is called The Hunchback of Notre Dame.