Monday, April 9, 2012

Mommio: Fairy Tale Journey Week 4

The River
A small boat awaits you on the banks of a river.  Its wood is gnarled and its paint has long since faded away.  You step in with your magical items and the precious nectar from the passion flower.  Without any help from you, the boat gently pushes off from shore, guiding itself slowly across the river towards the bank on the other side.  The air is cool and smells a little like salt.  Your body is rocked gently by the river's waves, and your eyes begin to feel heavy.  You realize it has been a long time since you were able to sleep.  Just as you begin to drift into a gentle nap, the boat comes to a sudden stop with a loud "Thud."  It has become hopelessly stuck in a huge lump of sand that has appeared from nowhere.  As you reach for an oar to help the boat free itself, a sand hag arises from the middle of the heap.  She is in a nasty mood and speaks in scratchy, gritty tones:
"Ssssssssoo, my dear one, you wisssh to crosss the river.  Today you will not crosss for free!  If you wissssh to continue sssafely to the other sssside you will give me one of those little magic thingsss you have in your handssss, or else I will turn you into a big lump of ssssand!"
You realize you must do as she says, and with sadness you give her one of your magical items.

Answer the following:
1. Which magical item do you give to the sand hag and why?
2. What do you think the sand hag will do with your magical item?
3. Where do you think the sand hag lives when she is not bothering people on the river?

* This Fairy Tale Journey can be found in The Beanstalk and Beyond by Joan M. Wolf. 


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