Monday, April 2, 2012

Mommio: Fairy Tale Journey Week 3

Prairie of Singing Grasses

As you enter the Prairie of Singing Grasses, your eyes are greeted with the dazzling golden color of the grass.  You can hear a faint melody in your ears, unlike anything you have ever before heard.  You put your hands up to cover your ears because the grasses and wildflowers in this enchanted prairie sing a beautiful, sweet song that will cast a spell on any human that listens.  If you hear their melody, you will fall into a deep sleep for 100 years.  As you walk deeper into the prairie grasses, you can see the radiant purple of the passion flower that grows at the prairie's outer edge.  To continue your journey, you must get a drop of nectar from the center of the flower.  You will need this later in your quest.

Answer the following:
1. How will you get the nectar while keeping both of your ears covered?
2. Do you use your magical items or do you use something else?  What do you choose to use and why?
3. How will you carry the nectar and keep it safe until it is needed?

* This Fairy Tale Journey can be found in The Beanstalk and Beyond by Joan M. Wolf. 


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