Monday, May 3, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day (last week)

Best Prom Night Ever!
By Avery
Hi, I'm Averi and I am going to tell you about the best prom night ever. One day I was practicing my violin and suddenly I got a call from my best friend Grace.
     "Hello.", I said with a mad voice.
     " Hey. Why so grumpy?", she asked.
     " Well... my mom wouldn't let me have coffee this morning so I am really tired and I am doing horrible when playing my violin."
     " Wow. I thought you were allowed to start drinking coffee. I mean... come on your, like fifteen. Right?"
     " Yeah, almost sixteen."
     " Cool. So, I have some great news!"
     " What?"
     " Prom night is next week!"
     " So."
     " So, what do you mean."
     " Well it's not that big of a deal."
     " I'm not done telling you the rest of it."
     " Okay... but if it is about having it at a petting zoo, or that there's going to be cherry punch I..."
     " Don't want to hear about it. I know.", she said as I growled at her for interrupting me.
     " Hey! I thought we made a deal that we will not be rude and finish each others sentences.", I yelled.
     " I got to go."
     " Me too.", I said as I shut the phone in anger.
     I put down my cell phone and started doing my violin again. I got a little bored so I put the violin down and got some coffee. I got only a little bit because if I got a lot Mom would kill me. I got my backpack, books, lucky pencil and my violin and went to school. I can't believe it was really snowing outside. There were snowmen and snowball fights going on everywhere. I sat down on the bench and waited for the bus. I sat there for about an hour and a half and nothing happened. There was no school bus, no kids by the bus stop and no backpacks outside. Suddenly a snowball hit me right in the face. I was so mad. So, I picked up some snow and threw back at the person.
     " HEY! What was that for?", said a voice from behind me.
     " Who said that?", I asked as I picked up more snow.
     " Me.", said a guy as he came up and sat on the bench next to me.
     " Oh... sorry.", I said with a worried voice.
     " It's okay. I guess that if I hit you with one, you can get me with it. I'm Jason."
     " Uh... I'm Averi. With an I..", I dropped the snowball.
     " Nice to meet you. Why are you sitting here?"
     " I'm waiting for my bus."
     " Why? It's not a school day. Why don't you put on a jacket and have a snowball fight with us?"
     " What do you mean when you say us?"
     " My friends. Carlos, Tom, Bob and Jimmy."
     " Okay."
     I ran inside and went to my room. I look all around my room but I couldn't find my lucky jacket (I have a lot of lucky things). I ran down stairs to ask my dad about it and he said that it was outside in the snow. I could not believe it was outside in the freezing cold snow! I went outside and picked it up. When I put it on tons of snow fell out of it. Why does everything bad have to happen to me?, I thought as I put my jacket in the dryer. I ran outside in my dress and hoped that I wouldn't freeze to death.
     " Where's your jacket?", asked Jason
     " I... lost it, yeah. That's what happened, I lost it."
     " Do you have any other jackets?"
     " No."
     " Oh... What size jacket do you wear?"
     " Why do you care?"
     " Just answer me."
     " Fine, size 4."
     " Okay... my sister might have one that's your size."
     " Oh.. it's okay. I don't feel that cold."
     " Good. Okay! Everyone, we have a new player. Her name is Averi... with an I."
     " Thanks."
     " Your welcome. Now, everyone pick a partner."
     I stood really still for a sec and then walk back a little bit until everyone picked their partners. Surprisingly I was the one who had to be partners with Jason. I was so excited to be partners with him.
     " Okay, I guess we have to be partners.", said Jason with a big sigh.
     " Is it really that bad being partners with a girl?"
     " Hey, hey. Don't get mad at me... I'm just very tired from the other snowball fight we had."
     We started building our forts with snow. Tim and Bob made a round fort to hide behind, Jimmy and Carlos made a big rectangle fort that four people could fit behind, and Jason and I made a fort that we could crawl into.  It was round and had a little entrance. After everyone made forts they made snowballs. I made some snow DNA for fun. The bad news is that Jason was acting like this was a real war, so he was being a big jerk. Every time I made cool things with the snow he would always tell me to stop and start getting ready for war. Suddenly my phone started ringing.
     " Don't answer it! We need to fight!", yelled Jason as he took my phone away.
     " Hey! You're not my dad, so give me back my phone. Now!", I yelled as I took it back.
     Suddenly Jason stopped talking and just threw snowballs at me.
     " Hello?", I asked.
     " Hey Averi."
     " What is it?"
     "I just found out that prom is going to be tonight!"
     " And you get to play viol..."
     " Violin at the prom? Oh... Awesome!"
     " Excuse me, but, you finished my sentence."
     " You did it to me this morning."
     " True that."
     " Okay, look, I am in the middle of a snowball fight. I got to go."
     " Okay. Wait!"
     " What?!"
     " Who you having a snowball fight with.", she asked in a voice that sounded like she wanted to join in.
     " Jason and his friends."
     " Jason the senior or other Jason."
     " The other Jason."
     " Oh... have fun.", She said as she hung up on me.
     I shut my phone and ran out of the fort.
     " Where are you going?", asked Jason.
     " To get my old snowball cannon"
     " Be quick."
     " Okay."
     I ran as fast as I could and still got hit by a snowball. I picked up some more snow and threw it back at Jimmy. I finally got in my house! I ran into my room and looked under my bed. I found it sitting on top of my lucky doll. I picked it up ran outside and went to the fort. I saw that Jason dug a little hole to put the cannon in. He grabbed it from me and then put a snowball in it. I poked it through the hole and aimed it at Tim. I pulled the string and the snow hit him hard.
     " It really works.", yelled Jason as he gave me a hug.
     " I know. I always take care of it and make sure that it's not broken."
     After an hour we stopped  playing and went on the bench to take a break. I got my violin  out and started playing it. I was so happy because I was doing good. Suddenly everyone in town heard me play it. So they all came to listen and for some strange reason prom started here. All they girls were wearing dresses, there were tables with punch, cookies and cake on them and I was playing violin. It was the best night ever!
The end


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