Saturday, December 6, 2014

Crazy Cat Lady

Hey it has been more than a year since our last post.  So I am going to make the first post of 2014.

The Crazy Cat Lady 

Once upon a time there was an old lady named Lanna Henderson.  It was the fourth of July and Lanna and her husband Steve Henderson were going on a hike.  Of course they went on their favorite trail, Cupcake Trail.  Lanna looked at Steve and calmly said, "Don't even think about jumping off the cliff."
Steve sighed, "Why? I have done it a bunch and never gotten hurt, come on."
He ran like a child and stopped right at the edge.  He jumped.  Lanna heard him scream then crash into the water, she thought he was just screaming for fun.  She turned her head and could not see Steve.  Right away she screamed "Steve, Steve!"  She tried to call 911 but they were too far down the trail.  She ran as fast as she could and told the first person she saw, which was at the start of the trail. They called 911 and the police showed up about five minutes later, but he was never found.  Two weeks later Lanna got two cats in honor of how many weeks since he passed.  A year later she had 52 cats, until one got rabies and bit her.