Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Connor: A Depressing End

Greg could see the death and destruction from the hillside.  An entire village full of people had been almost completely destroyed.  He focused solely on the area in the center of the chaos.  There Greg saw a sobbing girl standing and ran over.  He introduced himself with a grim, malevolent grin.  He said "Hello there, I'm Greg, a  demon here to offer you a deal.  I could protect you from danger, but at the cost of your delicious mortal soul.  In order to enter into this deal you must tell me your name."  The moment he finished his sentence his orange eyes lit up.  The girl said "My name is Radonia princess of Yirawin."  Greg smiled at her, he could see that her soul was going to be particularly tasty.  Greg stared at her and said "Now I'm going to function as your bodyguard, until your natural death."  The following week in the kingdom of Yirawin Greg had began performing the role of a bodyguard.  It occurred five or six times a week that someone attempted an assassination on the princess.  As such Greg would use his demonic powers to subdue or even kill the would be assassin.  Greg quickly became her most trusted adviser, much to his chagrin.  With the king and queen deceased Radonia had a lot of power, but was unable to become queen due to her young age.  Years had passed and eventually Radonia had married and become queen of Yirawin.  Greg started to seem distant by this point, he tried to attack everyone that came near the queen.  His mental state, even for a demon, was starting to degrade.  He often acted as though he knew something that she did not.  Greg's smile often came across as cocky or even arrogant.  It was when Radonia was most depressed that Greg turned on her.  He entered her throne room carrying her breakfast and killed her with the plates.  Greg enjoyed a feast that night, a pure and innocent soul that had aged to perfection.  He smiled at his victim's family as they mourned her death.  Greg then went on to make the exact same type of deal with many other young children over millions of years, a single pure and innocent soul is not enough to completely satisfy his evil desire.  Although he had kept pictures of the queen he once served and constantly weeps over not killing her later.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Connor: A Hero's Despair

He sat there upon his steed pondering, pondering what had led him to this point.  It was weeks ago, and yet it felt like years.  He met them first in a local tavern, a mere inn by the name of the Drunken Dwarf.  The shortest of the lot, a halfling cleric in medium armor, was unable to see over the table.  This halfling maiden was the reason he agreed to the quest, he couldn't remember whether it was something she said or how she said it.  She had grinned at him, despite not being able to see under the hood he wore.  He had just signed an adventuring license, allowing him to accompany her and her party.  The party, until now, consisted of a fighter, a cleric, and a rogue, but this intrepid group lacked an arcane caster.  He, being the wizard that he was, completed the group.  He looked at his new companions, the rogue was a human man, the fighter a brave and noble woman, and the halfling cleric was beautiful.  He was a half-elf wizard, he had greater power than any of the rest.  He never spoke and that unnerved some of the party, conversation would often occur on a quest.  Truth be told he couldn't speak, to speak the right words at the wrong time would be catastrophic, more so as a wizard than anyone else.  He stared at his companions, PCs the lot of 'em. He, himself was a PC, player character, as well.  They began their quest by riding to a monster's lair, the  Castle of Death, wherein sat the Dragon King.  The Dragon King was said to be the most dangerous and vile man that ever lived, half man and half Dragon.  The man in the hood sat and listened as the Cleric spoke to the fighter.  "He seems quite nice, Julia, even though I can't see his eyes or hear his voice." Greta, the halfling, said.  Julia responded "Honestly he's kind of creepy, I can't help but feel he has other reasons for joining our cause.  Maybe its a chance at power..." She was cut off by Gregory walking between them, then Greta gazed at her with round innocent eyes.  "But why take power from the Dragon King, Our strange new companion has the power of the wizards.  People within the circle of wizardry have been killed in the name of the Dragon King."  Julia kept her eyes on him at all time, the hooded individual noticed.  "Well, after you've been doing this kind of work for as long as I have you realize that some people will do anything to further their own agenda.  For all we know this wizard is a lunatic, or worse a wanted criminal.  The only reason I keep him around is to watch him, in case he tries anything."  Julia stated.  The hooded half elf rode betwixt the two women and started riding alongside the rogue.  Gregory stared at him and said "Julia doesn't tend to trust anyone she just met.  She's stubborn like that, but you'll get used to it.  Honestly, I think we're in the same boat, name's Gregory by the way."  The hooded elf smiled at this, a smile that Gregory couldn't see.  Gregory looked at him some more and said "Ya know, the only reason Julia trusts me is because she's my wife.  She disapproves of my career, but she'll willingly allow me to come along.  You don't speak much do ya?"  The hooded man nodded as they moved forward coming to a clearing.  Here he and Gregory set up the campsite while Greta and Julia caught up.  Night then passed rather uneventfully with Greta and the hooded man keeping watch.  The next morning Greta had prepared a breakfast of fish and eggs, with Gregory's help.  Greta said handing a piece of fish and a plate to the hooded man "Careful its still hot."  It didn't mater the wizard was high enough level to cool the food down if he needed to.  His smiled after biting into the fish, this time the smile was visible.  Just a day's walk ahead was the Castle of Death.  The hooded man prepared all his best spells and was now helping Greta prepare lunch.  During lunch the group started wondering about what he looked like under his hood.  Greta said "maybe he has a stoic, heroic look to him, or even an endearing appearance."  Julia disliked this thought and said "Or perhaps he has a devious malformed appearance to match his evil scheme."  Gregory disliked both ideas and decided to put in his own two copper pieces.  "I'd like to think he's an amiable and approachable gentleman and that he has no malicious intent, but that he doesn't look perfect and his personality has a few flaws."  The conversation carried on throughout the day and lead to a big ordeal at dinner.  During dinner the others of the group were arguing so viciously that the poor wizard had no choice but to lift his hood.  They looked at his face and saw that Greta was most correct.  He had a handsome face that looked stoic and heroic, but as the other two had guessed his appearance wasn't perfect.  This solved they then started to argue over what his voice sounded like, although he wouldn't let them hear it and he hadn't yet had to cast a spell.  While he and Gregory were guarding the camp at night something attacked, a big creature on two feet.  He recognized the species of monster quickly, a werewolf probably from the castle.  Gregory started shooting arrows and suddenly was overpowered by the creature, but wasn't cursed.  The wizard spoke the words "Cone of Fire!" and soon the werewolf felt flames coming from the deep voiced, hooded wizard.  The monster was now burned to death.  Gregory smiled and said "So now I get to hear your voice, finally!"  The hooded man then said "I thought you'd happy that I just saved you from a monster.  As I haven't yet introduced myself I am William a wizard from the college.  The last wizard of the college, my associates were killed by the the Dragon King."  The next morning they ate a quick breakfast of berries and marched onward to the castle.  They made it into the castle, almost too easily when suddenly they reached the throne.  Upon the throne sat the Dragon King.  The Dragon King jumped up and said in a hissing, yet booming voice "Welcome to my castle.  I am the Dragon King, I see you've brought a wizard with you.  Prepare to die!"  He attacked with two katana and decapitated Gregory first.  As Gregory fell he looked toward William and screamed, no words just a simple brutal scream.  Julia looked at her husband's headless body and charged at the Dragon King.  The sword missed entirely.  He glared at her and said "You rolled a two and yet you didn't critically fumble.  No mater you shall die soon!"  The Dragon King hit her with a fireball and she incinerated thoroughly.  All that was left now was Greta and William fighting side by side against this Half-Dragon villain.  The Dragon King saw their battle formation and charged at William.  Suddenly Greta jumped in front of William and sacrificed herself to do damage to the Dragon King.  Greta lay dying in the same instant as the Dragon King and between the two stood William.  He looked at her mangled body and cried as she passed away.  She looked up and with her last breath said "We accomplished our mission, I only regret that we died for it."  With that the life faded out of her face and her body lay still and cold.  William went about burying the bodies and marking their graves before he rode away.  Once upon his horse he started to ponder why this had happened and what would have happened if the outcome was different.