Friday, April 20, 2012

Connor: The Elven Chronicles: Volume 1: To Slay A Murderer: Chapter 2: The Journey Onward

   The man with several heads told us to ask him a question.  We had a group discussion before questioning the strange man.  Heinrich wanted to question him about the strength of various swords, which only he knew.  K. I. wanted to question the man by inquiring of the power of several spells.  Leo had wanted to ask what the color of a typical steed was, but since steeds can have coats of several colors we decided not to ask this.  Finally I asked who the dwarf was in our four person group. One head said "That's the guy with the sword." which was incorrect because K I used magic not swords.  Another head said "Well I'll be darned if it ain't you."  Which was obviously incorrect.  The heads kept spewing incorrect answers until one did use the right one.  The head said "Well it most certainly isn't not the small man with the spell book."  Because the head used a double negative it was technically correct as far as the answer, however by way of grammar he we terribly wrong.
         I said "The head in the center speaks truths, although he does so in bad grammar.  Thus I and my allies must know be allowed to pass."  The man allowed us to pass forward toward the Tyrannical Democracy.  Unfortunately we stumbled across a couple of law enforcement officers from the Never Agreeing Kingdoms.  One officer was a man and the other was a centaur.  I said nonchalantly "What seems to be the problem officers?"  To this they responded by looking back at me as if they didn't comprehend. I said "I mean why did you stop us? Did we do something wrong?"
    The centaur cop said "We got word of someone trying to leave the kingdoms."  I told him that we were going to dethrone the tyrant leader of the Tyrannical Democracy.  The centaur responded with "No.  I mean a fugitive about the size of your dwarf friend broke out of jail.  Last seen inside a tavern talking to a few guys that bear a resemblance to your description."  I asked if we could hear about what this fugitive was arrested for and if he knew any magic.  The centaur said "It was proven that he had been a spy for the Tyrant Witch and knew a large amount of outlawed spells, stuff you wouldn't be taught in any conventional wizards school in the Kingdoms."  Just after that K I attacked the guard with a dagger most likely hidden in his robe pocket.
        After a long and drawn out battle against the cops, caused by K I resisting arrest again.  We discussed the possibility of turning K I over to the police force again.  K I spoke to me for the first time since the journey began.  He said "If you turn me over to the cops I'll kill you.  I'll kill you and everyone in the group if you turn me over!  Just be aware of the consequences of your actions, Elven scumbag."  I stared at the little racist and thought of all the possible ways the town guards might punish him, most satisfying was the possibility of K I's execution.  This was also the most likely punishment for a dual offender, as I know from talking with cops in my hometown.
       My mind started turning over the facts.  K I originally entered the Kingdoms sixty years ago and was arrested forty years ago.  Only ten years after my parents' deaths.  We continued on the path toward the Democracy.  Eventually reaching the first town in the kingdom we learned that the townspeople have it out for the empress as well.
    We traveled on until we reached the castle.  I knocked on the door and was eventually let in by an elf, a slave to the tyrant.  I looked over my fellow elf and saw that he wasn't being treated well.  He had whip marks on his body and cuts on his arms and legs.  This cruelty had to end I swore to myself and to the elf slave.  I walked down the hall, it was covered in elf skulls and elf heads mounted on walls.  I saw a portrait of her.  She was a part dragon and part human.  It was said her parents were the king of the dragons and a human woman.  Her parents were kind to elves, but they were murdered by an elf from my village.  The elf was my ancestor who had founded the town.  He slew the girl's father right before her eyes, ever since she has hated my family and my race.
     We entered the throne room and I saw a beautiful half-dragon sitting on a throne.  She was the empress' daughter.  Her name was Amy and she was kindhearted unlike her cruel witch of a mother.  That was when the Tyrant walked into the room.  The tyrant had a stone cold expression almost the type you'd see on a statue.  I said to her "So we meet at last, murderer.  We both know you had my parents slain for what my great grandfather did.  I don't want this chain of murders to continue, you hear me witch!  We shall end this in a peaceful manner."
   She said "An elf being civil, what an odd sight I might just have your head decorating the mantle above my fireplace.  I trust you're fully aware of my spy/assassin"  I looked back at K I and noticed him smiling.  I told her that I would strike her down if need be.  The fight that would break out would be a deadly one.  One of us would move to the realm beyond.  This concludes my tale for now.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Connor: Fairy Tale Journey Week 4

I. I think I give up the spoon because I could just tiptoe or use my flute to get around monsters.
II.  She would only be capable of moving slightly faster, the fact she has to drag sand with her slows her down.
III.  I think she lives in a sand castle, after all she is a sand witch.

Phineas and Ferb: Remote Control Car

After several weeks of roadblocks, today was our last day of the Phineas and Ferb Remote Control Car mini-unit!  We worked as a group to build the robot arm from our Thames and Kosmos Remote Control Machines kit.  Here they are hard at work.

Here we are playing with the finished arm.  The challenge was to move a paper ball from one cone to the other.  Lots of fun!

This has been a really fun study and we will be passing the kit on to friends to use so they can enjoy it too.  Next up in Phineas and Ferb Science class....building a beach.

Gabe: Fairy Tale Journey Week 4

#1 I will give my spoon because it is useless.

#2 She will eat things with it.

#3 She goes under the sand and sleeps.

Avery: Fairy Tale Journey Week 4

#1- I give her my spoon because I don't think I will need it later on. If I need food I can go looking for it myself.

#2-  Feed herself and become more lazy. If I were her I wouldn't accept that gift. Cooking is lot's of fun.

#3- I think she lives in the sand. She might have powers to survive in it. Or she went way down into it and made a little house.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Marney: Fairy Tale Journey Week 4

1.  I think I would give her the spoon because I do not use it a lot so I wanted to give that to her
2. I think she would use it to make potions and magic items because it is that good of a power she would not use it for happiness like I do.
3.  I think she lives in a log house she made out of wood 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kiki: Fairy Tale Journey Week 4

1. I will give her the cape because it will help her since it can make her fly, it can also help her to make people listen to her because it can hypnotize people.  People probably don't listen to her much because she is ugly.

2. She will use the cape to hypnotize people and make them do what she says, like a slave.

3.  I think she lives underground with beavers and when she gets hungry she eats the beavers.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mommio: Fairy Tale Journey Week 4

The River
A small boat awaits you on the banks of a river.  Its wood is gnarled and its paint has long since faded away.  You step in with your magical items and the precious nectar from the passion flower.  Without any help from you, the boat gently pushes off from shore, guiding itself slowly across the river towards the bank on the other side.  The air is cool and smells a little like salt.  Your body is rocked gently by the river's waves, and your eyes begin to feel heavy.  You realize it has been a long time since you were able to sleep.  Just as you begin to drift into a gentle nap, the boat comes to a sudden stop with a loud "Thud."  It has become hopelessly stuck in a huge lump of sand that has appeared from nowhere.  As you reach for an oar to help the boat free itself, a sand hag arises from the middle of the heap.  She is in a nasty mood and speaks in scratchy, gritty tones:
"Ssssssssoo, my dear one, you wisssh to crosss the river.  Today you will not crosss for free!  If you wissssh to continue sssafely to the other sssside you will give me one of those little magic thingsss you have in your handssss, or else I will turn you into a big lump of ssssand!"
You realize you must do as she says, and with sadness you give her one of your magical items.

Answer the following:
1. Which magical item do you give to the sand hag and why?
2. What do you think the sand hag will do with your magical item?
3. Where do you think the sand hag lives when she is not bothering people on the river?

* This Fairy Tale Journey can be found in The Beanstalk and Beyond by Joan M. Wolf. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Marney: Fairy Tale Journey

1. I will use my feet because i can use my feet for tons of things.
 2. I would get a tube and i would put it in the flower and got some nectar from the flower.
3.I put it in my bag because the nectar needs to be safe from anything. Like people could steal it or it could fall out of my foot between my two toes.

Kiki: Fairy Tale Journey Week 3

1.  I will grab the spoon out of my bag with my mouth and shoot lasers at the flower to get the nectar.  I will use the spoon in my mouth to pick up the nectar.

2.  See answer #1.

3.  I will put it in my bag with all my other magical items.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Connor: Fairy Tale Journey Week 3

I.  I sneak silently toward the flower and scoop up the nectar in my shoe.
II.  I have my flute in my mouth and blow through it in order to give the singing grass a taste of its own medicine.
III.  I carry the nectar in my shoe and hold the spoon so I can get back without waking up the grass.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Cooking With Kids: Sprinkle Cookies

Today Max and Jack made some very simple and fun cookies that we found here (and the boys renamed them).  
Here's what you need to make them:

Sprinkle Cookies
1 box vanilla cake mix
1 tsp. baking powder
2 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup color sprinkles

Just preheat the oven to 350, mix it all together in a big bowl, drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet and bake for 10 minutes.  

The boys loved making these because they could do it almost completely by themselves.  And the cookies turned out really yummy too!  These might be a fun, easy idea for holidays- or anything that you could use specific sprinkle colors for.

Mommio: Fairy Tale Journey Week 3

Prairie of Singing Grasses

As you enter the Prairie of Singing Grasses, your eyes are greeted with the dazzling golden color of the grass.  You can hear a faint melody in your ears, unlike anything you have ever before heard.  You put your hands up to cover your ears because the grasses and wildflowers in this enchanted prairie sing a beautiful, sweet song that will cast a spell on any human that listens.  If you hear their melody, you will fall into a deep sleep for 100 years.  As you walk deeper into the prairie grasses, you can see the radiant purple of the passion flower that grows at the prairie's outer edge.  To continue your journey, you must get a drop of nectar from the center of the flower.  You will need this later in your quest.

Answer the following:
1. How will you get the nectar while keeping both of your ears covered?
2. Do you use your magical items or do you use something else?  What do you choose to use and why?
3. How will you carry the nectar and keep it safe until it is needed?

* This Fairy Tale Journey can be found in The Beanstalk and Beyond by Joan M. Wolf. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mommio: Garden Week 4

It's week 4 for our Spring garden and it is looking great.  Hopefully the extremely early heat we are getting won't be a problem.  We can't wait to start eating from the garden again!
Garden Week 4
Pole Beans
Snow Peas

Cucumber (replanted last week)

Green Onions